Brinton W. “Pete” Woodward Jr.

Brinton W. “Pete” Woodward Jr. (THS 1958)

2018 Hall of Fame Inductee

If it weren’t for Pete Woodward’s grandfather on the Board of Education, Chester Woodward, he and all Trojans would have graduated from an “ordinary” high school and the Hall of Fame ceremony would have had a far more mundane setting. Woodward was the quintessential B.M.O.C.: President of Student Congress, Pres. Boys Pep, Math Club, Cross Country, Co-Captain Basketball squad, State AA Class tennis singles champion, Honor T, All-School Party King candidate, and so forth. After THS, Woodward attended KU where he majored in English History (of course) and Renaissance Humanities but was also a tennis letterman and a letterman on the varsity basketball team which reached the NCAA quarter finals. Next was the General Theological Seminary for a Masters of Divinity (1965). Ordained an Episcopal priest, he was curate of St. David’s in Topeka (1965 – 1967). Serving at several eastern prep schools during the 1970s, Woodward became Headmaster at Holderness School in Plymouth, NH, in 1977 stepping down in 2001.