2018 Hall of Fame Inductee
Jean Eberhart’s THS resume under “school activities” may well have been the longest for any member of the Class of 1960: Debate letterman, Honor Pep, A.F.S., World staff, Quill and Scroll, Usher Club, French Club V-P, Math Club, Science Club, Kansas Council on Foreign and Domestic Affairs, Masque and Wig, etc. A National Merit Semi-Finalist and winner of a Betty Crocker Homemaker of America Award, she used her scholarships to attend Stanford University (1964) and from there Harvard Law School (1967). For two years Eberhart was a legislative assistant to Walter Mondale (1967 – 1969), but then moved to Colorado to practice law. From 1975 to 1977 she served as Deputy Attorney General of the State of Colorado and then appointed (1979) a Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court – the youngest and first woman to that post. Upon retiring from the Court in 1987, Mrs. Dubofsky entered academia at the University of Colorado and by the 1990s back in private practice where she is known for her involvement in civil rights, women’s issues and gay rights.