Topeka High School Historical Society
Ed Love Scholarship Application
Ed Love, THS Class of 1939, one of the founders of the THS Historical Society in 1985
Submit by Friday, March 11, 2022
- Senior THS Student.
- Cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or above.
- Include ACT score on transcript.
- Application must be typed on the application.
- Submit a resumé that includes high school, extra-curricular, leadership and community activities. Indicate the length of time of involvement & description of duties, title or position. Include special recognitions, awards and honors.
- Submit your current THS transcript, including fall semester senior year.
- Submit electronically: 1. Page 2 of the scholarship application form, 2. Resumé and 3. Signed THS transcript to the THS Historical Society executive secretary Joan Barker at
- Sign and date the application form, including signatures of two staff members who know you.
- Completed application will be reviewed in confidentiality by a THS Historical Society scholarship committee.
- Committee recommendations will be approved by the THS Historical Society board of directors.
- $1,000 in scholarships will be awarded.
- All applicants will be notified by April 1st.
- All applicants will receive a complimentary year membership in the THS Historical Society.
- Questions to Joan Barker, 785-234-5441 or